Pink Robot began under the name Make Thrift Love Life, and while I'm still writing about the same themes, it made sense to keep all my social media under one brand name:
Etsy Shop: Pink Robot
Twitter: @pinkrobotcraft
Whilst on maternity leave after having my daughter, I realised what being "broke" really meant. My income dropped to around a quarter of what I normally earn, so needless to say, my spending habits had to change dramatically. During this time, I discovered how frivolous and wasteful I had been, and even after I went back to work (and money!), I found that my outlook had permanently changed. Now I have 2 children under 2, and while I know maternity leave will be financially difficult again, I am better equipped to rise to the challenge!
Crafting is a fabulous way of saving money- I now enjoy up-cycling, giving handmade gifts, adorning my home with gorgeous, unusual and eco-friendly items, and giving old items a new lease of life.... all on a budget!
This blog is not about spending no money- it's about spending what you have more wisely, being less wasteful and getting more from your life.
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