Thursday, 13 March 2014

Photos of my daughter in her fat quarter skirt!

As promised, here is my daughter, Heather Belle, wearing her skirt I made yesterday... from exactly a fat quarter. You can see the tutorial here and make your own! 
Posing in the skirt!
It fits her perfectly! I used the measurements for 12-18 months for her (19" elastic, sewn to 18"), but since she's quite small, it will fit for a while. 
Showing off the back
I also dug out a skirt I made for her a while ago, using beautiful strawberry fabric, and replaced the elastic with her new sizing. That's the beauty of these fat quarter skirts- all measurements stay the same other than the elastic, so the skirt lasts them as long as the length is OK! 

Cute, re-sized strawberry skirt
Back of the strawberry skirt
Making these skirts for your baby/ toddler is so easy and cost-effective that you could go crazy and make loads! People always comment on Heather's skirts when she wears them though, as they are unusual and something different from the same outfits you buy in the high street. 

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  1. The skirts look great! I really need to start using my sewing machine more, it's just time that I struggle with. :-(

  2. I know that feeling Gina! That's why I aspire to having a "craft room" with my sewing machine set up all the time.
