Friday, 14 March 2014

Baby Outfits for Sunny Days

The weather is finally beginning to warm up, and one thing I have been looking forward to all winter is seeing my daughter's chubby arms and legs out again in the sun! 

I've picked up a few really cute outfits for the warmer weather recently, mainly from eBay, but also from local charity shops. I previously wrote about all the holiday bargains I snapped up for Heather here but here are some other recent purchases... 

My favourite buy was the pair of yellow dungarees, which I found for 50p in a charity shop "bargain bin". 

These amazing yellow dungarees are great with just a T-shirt underneath!
Tea dress- chubby arms and legs!
The rest of these adorable dresses were all sourced from eBay, for 99p each plus P&P. This normally works out to a total of around £3 a dress! 
Pink summer dress with cherry blossoms
Next tartan pinafore dress
Floral summer dress
Ladybird broderie anglaise style dress 
Lovely ruffles on the tea dress
One thing I will need to invest in brand new is baby vests- this is one item that I can't get on board with second-hand. I find that they do not keep well, turning grey and normally sporting an indelible stain or two after a couple of weeks. I have tried lots of brands of vest, from extremely inexpensive Aldi ones to the more premium Gap label- I found this one half price in the sale. I found that the Aldi vests were very thin, and shrunk fairly dramatically in the wash. The Gap vest wore very well, and I actually passed this on to my sister once Heather had outgrown it as it had stayed in such good condition. However, I probably couldn't justify spending around £10 to buy it full-price. A good compromise is the Next label- vests from Next generally wear and wash well, and are surprisingly affordable too. This pack of 4 girls' vests is only £8.50 (about £2.12 a vest!)  and it comes in boys' colours too! 
Girls' vests: £8.50 for 4
Boys' vests: £8.50 for 4

I will also have another set of little fingers and toes to play with this summer, when my new baby arrives in July. While I will re-use most of the "expensive" new baby items like the pram, crib and car seat, I have no suitable newborn clothes- Heather was a winter baby, so most of her old things will be far too cosy. Another excuse to go thrift shopping I think... eBay, here I come! 

Please follow Make Thrift Love Life on Bloglovin' 


  1. You have a great 'eye' for these things and have picked up some lovely items but of course the most gorgeous part of this post is Heather, I just love those curls!

  2. Thank you very much for visiting Josie, and for your lovely comment- I obviously can't hear that enough! Her hair is crazy though, I'm sure she won't thank me for it as she gets older.

    If you get the chance, please follow me on Bloglovin'... thanks!

  3. These are nice! thanks for sharing the post.

  4. Thanks, Creative Mind! Love a weather change as an excuse to go thrift shopping!
